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蒋勇律师获颁钱伯斯“终身成就纪念奖” | 天同荣誉
来源: 编辑:zhihui 发布时间:2022-04-18 21:32:02 浏览次数:5335 次

蒋勇律师获颁钱伯斯“终身成就纪念奖” | 天同荣誉

2022年4月7日,钱伯斯举办了“2022年度钱伯斯亚太及大中华区法律大奖(The Chambers Asia Pacific & Greater China Region Awards)”线上颁奖典礼。颁奖典礼上,钱伯斯为天同律师事务所创始合伙人、永久名誉主任蒋勇律师颁发了“终身成就纪念奖(In Memoriam Lifetime Achievement Award)”,以纪念和褒奖他为实现法律梦想砥砺前行的奋斗精神和为法律事业发展作出的杰出贡献。天同律师事务所合伙人、管理委员会主任辛正郁律师代表全体天同人致谢并发言。







Dear Director Dennis Li, dear friends, hello everyone! I am XIN Zhengyu of TianTong Law Firm.



On behalf of TianTong, it is a privilege to accept this award in honor of and in memory of Attorney JIANG Yong. I cannot express how grateful I am to Chambers and to all of you here tonight.



Chambers is of course, an authoritative media in the global legal industry, and one of the first rating agencies to recognize the accomplishments of Attorney JIANG and TianTong.



As early as 2010, Attorney JIANG was honored as Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide Leading Lawyer in Dispute Resolution.



Shortly after, TianTong was awarded Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide Boutique PRC Law Firm of the Year and Leading Firm in Dispute Resolution in Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide 2012.



Attorney JIANG and TianTong have been repeatedly honored by Chambers there after. Notably, Attorney JIANG has been awarded Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide Dispute Resolution: Litigation Eminent Practitioner since 2016.



It can be said that Chambers has accompanied, witnessed and encouraged TianTong's rapid development in the past ten years.



Today, the Chambers In Memoriam Lifetime Achievement Award appropriately recognizes the lasting contribution of Attorney JIANG and the law firm he founded.



For TianTong, Attorney JIANG Yong was the original dream maker and the leader who led TianTong to pursue dreams.



He believed that focus and concentration were special gifts in life, so it is not surprising that TianTong has always been deeply focused on dispute resolution;



He believed that litigation was like technology in that it could be advanced to address the practical aims of society and the legal field, and he was the first to explore technology in an era lacking the new technology we take for granted today;



He advocated openness because only when the legal ecosystem becomes more open, we become better ourselves;



And he was willing to adapt to changes and always enthusiastic about new technologies and trends.



His beliefs have led TianTong to form the values of focus, extremeness, openness and innovation, which continuously attracted partners with the same values.



Attorney JIANG Yong never limited his thinking about TianTong from the perspective of law firm only.



From litigation skills, to a sound law firm model, to embracing openness and innovation, what remained unchanged was his commitment to excellence and to unwavering support of the industry and the legal ideals behind it.



He believed that support for the rule of law was a foundation for one’s legal career, and he was committed to working with colleagues in the legal professional community to earn respect for laws and legal practitioners.



These ideals are what has made him and what has made TianTong today.



It is also the reason why we try to establish collaborations and close friendships with lawyers all over the world, and why we have made countless friends.



"The geniuses are created by gods, and the comrades who go with us are our allies."



I believe many friends are familiar with this couplet inscribed in our TianTong courtyard.



We look forward to establishing closer ties with Chambers and all of our legal colleagues to jointly advance the legal profession so loved by Attorney JIANG.



I believe that when we hold on to these ideals, Attorney JIANG will be forever with us in spirit.

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